Download Machinika: Atlas APK

App: Machinika Atlas
Version: (50)
Languages: 74
Downloads: 10
799.43 MB (838,262,399 bytes)
Supports installation on external storage.
Min: Android 8.0 (Oreo, API 26)
Target: Android 14 (API 34)
arm64-v8a + armeabi-v7a
Permissions: 7Features: 4
Uploaded January 12, 2025 at 9:31PM UTC by HoldTheDoor

What's new in Machinika: Atlas

Major bug fixes :
Fixed Blocking issue: in Chapter 4B screen puzzle not appearing after 'skipping' the drone puzzle
Fixed : in chapter 2, several paywall related and walkie talkie related problems
Fixed : in chapter 2 and beyond the game would sometime ask you to buy it again if you were offline.
Fixed several Hints and Checkpoints/Saves issues
Greatly improved input systems on touch screens

About Machinika: Atlas

Machinika: Atlas is free to download. An in-app purchase is required to unlock the full experience.

Embark on a mesmerizing puzzle game adventure with Machinika: Atlas. Stranded within a crashed alien ship on Saturn's moon, "Atlas", assume the role of the museum researcher, the protagonist of Machinika: Museum, whose escape pod led them to the heart of an alien vessel.
Machinika: Atlas is the direct sequel to Machinika: Museum, unfolding its narrative on Atlas, a moon of Saturn. While the storyline ties into Machinika: Museum, prior play is not required for enjoying Machinika: Atlas.
Prepare to embark on a cosmic odyssey filled with mystery, cryptic puzzles, and a narrative that keeps you on the edge of discovery. Explore the unknown depths of Machinika: Atlas, where every answer unveils a new enigma.

Key Features:
- Engage your sharp logic skills and keen sense of observation to conquer puzzles.
- Immerse yourself in a sci-fi ambiance filled with unknowns, where every step brings you closer to unveiling the truth behind the ship’s mystery
- Play effortlessly with intuitive and enjoyable controls, ensuring that the complexity lies within the puzzles, not the gameplay.
- Dive into a mysterious narrative that beckons you to uncover the secrets hidden behind these intricate devices.

All versions
Machinika: Atlas
January 12, 2025


Uploaded:January 12, 2025 at 9:31PM UTC

File size:85.83 MB

