Download aShell - an ADB shell (f-droid version) v0.12 APK
Target: Android 14 (API 34)
What's new in aShell - an ADB shell (f-droid version) v0.12
- Allow picking texts shared by other apps.
- Updated Hungarian translations.
- Miscellaneous changes.
About aShell - an ADB shell (f-droid version) v0.12
** aShell requires a fully working Shizuku (a completely open-source project) environment to work. If you are not aware about Shizuku or don't want to use it, please do not bother installing this app. To know more about Shizuku, please visit: https://shizuku.rikka.app/
** Although this app provides count-less examples of using ADB commands, some basic knowledge about the ADB/Linux command-line is necessary for an easy use of this app.
Are you tired of occasionally connecting your android device to PC for sending a few ADB commands. If so, and you have a working Shizuku environment, aShell is for you.
🔸 Easily execute ADB commands without a PC.
🔸 Included a bundle of examples about common ADB commands.
🔸 Handles continuously running commands, such as logcat, top, etc.
🔸 Search for specific text from the last command output.
🔸 Elegantly designed user interface with an auto-dark/light theme.
🔸 Option to save last command output as a text file.
🔸 A lot more.
Please note: If you meet any issues, please feel free to open an issue at GitLab.
GitLab issue link: gitlab.com/sunilpaulmathew/ashell/-/issues
This application is open sourced and ready to accept contributions from the development community. Also, if you don't want to pay for this app, feel free to build it yourself.
Source code: gitlab.com/sunilpaulmathew/ashell/
Please help me to translate this app:
POEditor localization service: poeditor.com/join/project/20PSoEAgfX
English string: gitlab.com/sunilpaulmathew/ashell/-/blob/master/app/src/main/res/values/strings.xml