Download SD Scanner 1.11 APK
Target: Android 4.4 (Kitkat, API 19)
What's new in SD Scanner 1.11
- Tweak wording on "ignore updated/changed" option.
- Added translations for the new option.
- Skips empty directories, as on some devices these forever show up as files in MTP if scanned.
- Doesn't follow symlinks outside of scan directory. Should only affect rooted devices, but following these can cause problems.
- Option to ignore updated and changed files outside scan directory.
- Fix a rare crash.
About SD Scanner 1.11
An app to force Android to scan a storage medium for media and other files. Uses a method compatible with 4.4 KitKat and 5.0 Lollipop, tested on my Nexus 5.
In Android 4.4 KitKat, the method used by most older programs to rescan a storage medium no longer works. Instead, an interface must be used that only allows one file to be specified at a time. This app works by determining what files/folders might need to be scanned again, and then by calling the correct API on each file/folder.
This app is licensed under the GNU GPL v2 or later, with source code available at github.com/jerickson314/sdscanner
SD Scanner can be used with Tasker by using the "Send Intent" action listed under "System."
Use the following settings, leaving the ones I don't list at the default:
Action: android.intent.action.RUN
Package: com.gmail.jerickson314.sdscanner
Class: com.gmail.jerickson314.sdscanner.MainActivity
Target: Activity
If anyone wants to write a proper Tasker plugin, I'll happily take a Pull Request on Github.
Additional contributions from the following:
- Czech translation: Jaroslav Lichtblau
- Chinese translation: Laurence Chiu
- Russian translation: Github user "relan"
- UI tweaks: relan