Download EasyBuild 1.00.07 APK
Target: Android 6.0 (Marshmallow, API 23)
What's new in EasyBuild 1.00.07
EasyBuild is Lenovo Phab2Pro compatible.
Many improvements : features, UI, controls, overall stability, added 3D objet measurement feature and a second available language : French
Please send us your feedback !
About EasyBuild 1.00.07
EASYBUILD provide the easiest 3D mixed reality platform for Google Tango Project and Lenovo Phab2 Pro devices. A unique solution dedicated for architecture, real estate, interior design, retail and even more use cases.
Fast indoor scan, live 3D measurement and 2D map generation. Easily get an accurate and ultra-optimized simplified room 3D mesh.
Design a complete new version of your place and watch it "live" (Augmented Reality).
Add virtual furniture, customize decoration and change lighting. Everything is in real time and 1:1-scaled!
-CLOUD- (access: www.easybuild.io/cloud/)
Our secure storage solution to manage all your assets.
Import 3D models, textures, animations and use them into EASYBUILD. Browse your EASYSCAN files. Export to your favorite tool (Revit, Recap, 3DSMax, Maya, Sketchup...).
Many new features coming soon + access to large furniture libraries.
Your opinion counts: support@easybuild.io.