What's new in Percent Enabler 1.1
You want to add a translation? Please send me your version of this file:
Added translations:
- Finnish (by Miska M.)
- Turkish (by Furkan M.)
About Percent Enabler 1.1
This is the original App from xda-developers. Don't accept fakes!
You can get support here: <a href="www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttp://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t%253D2516913%26sa%3DD%26usg%3DAFQjCNFsfOw2fPjGxjcs6pLgzBrJJLjAEg&sa=D&usg=AFQjCNEth3_hyjLZ3uaAaG9lJTHVuYB0bw" target="_blank">forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2516913</a>
Just install this App and click on "Enable Battery Percent". <b>Then reboot</b>. You can uninstall the App afterwards. The setting will remain.
<b><u>No</u> root needed!</b>
<b>You can only see the battery percent text, if the battery is empty enough. (White text on white battery!)</b>
<b>Do I need a rooted device?</b>
No, should work on any 4.4+ device :)
<b>Can you change the text-color?</b>
Sorry, this is impossible with a simple app like this one, because the <b>color is hard-coded in SystemUI.apk</b>. You need to decompile that apk, edit one line of source code and then recompile it. Actually, I don't plan to do this, because I don't like to change system-apps. Also, the OTA-Updates from google would fail after that and it would require root.
<b>After removing the app the percentage is still there.</b>
That's because the app changes a system setting. The app does NOT display the battery itself!
<b>I uninstalled the App. Now I want to disable the percent display.</b>
OK, just install the App again, uncheck the setting and uninstall it.